Get a free 12th instalment on buying BNS token worth 50% of your average monthly instalment
How It Works
Create a Goal
Set up a goal in Bitdroplet. If you have many goals, we will consider the average monthly investment.
Buy BNS token
Buy BNS tokens worth 50% of your instalment & get 100% off on your 12th month installment.
Your 12th instalment is FREE
Your SPPs will have a free 12th instalment.
Wait, what's this BNS Token about?
BNS token is an exchange-based cryptocurrency created by BitBNS, which aims at enabling the general masses to use cryptocurrency.
Offer Slabs
Buy BNS tokens worth 50% of your instalment & get 100% off on your 12th month installment.
Buy BNS tokens worth...
You will get...
of your average monthly SPP
100% off
on your 12th instalment
of your average monthly SPP
40% off
on your 12th instalment
of your average monthly SPP
15% off
on your 12th instalment
Buy BNS token to avail the offer now.
Say you are investing $100 per month. For you to get 100% of your 12th month’s installment for free, you need to buy $50 worth or more of BNS tokens.
But if you purchase $25 worth of BNS tokens, you will get 40% off from your 12th month’s installment.
Terms At A Glance
Offer starts from
20 Nov 2020
Min Purchase of BNS
Don't Redeem or Pause Goal For
12 Months
After purchasing BNS, if you create a new goal, you will have to pay additional BNS to stay in the required slab.
Can I check how much worth of BNS I need to buy?
Yes, you just need to login to Bitdroplet and go to the BNS buy page to check the amount of BNS token you can buy.
How are the slots calculated?
If you have multiple goals with varying periods, the total amount you invest every month will be calculated, and you have to purchase BNS based on that.
How will I get the 12th month instalment?
You will get the discount on the 12th month instalments from when you purchase BNS. If you have a daily goal, then the discounted amount will be added to your wallet for each day of the 12th month. Example: If you have a daily goal of $1 and if you are eligible for 40% off, then $0.40 will be credited just before each instalment of the 12th month.
When will I get the BNS token?
BNS token will be credited to your Bitdroplet account immediately, but cannot be withdrawn or traded until the public sale and the listing completes.
What happens to BNS in the 12th month
The BNS would be used to fulfill the 12th month instalment. Your BNS balance post that in Bitdroplet would become 0
What will be the price of BNS Token?
The BNS token price will be $0.008, which is the estimated price for public token sale.
Who can get the offer?
After purchasing BNS tokens, anybody who invests continuously without pausing the goal, redeeming from the goal, or missing an instalment are eligible to participate in the offer
What will be the last date for offer?
At present the end date of the offer is open. Bitdroplet will update its users in advance about the end date of the contest. We request you to join our telegram channel.
If I start a goal after buying BNS tokens, will it also be included in the discount?
No, additional BNS tokens have to be purchased to avail the offer for the new goal. Existing goals will always remain in the same slab. However, we recommend you start all the necessary goals first and then purchase BNS token for this offer.
I have already availed the previous 12th month free offer as I was one of the early investors, do I need to still invest?
If you have availed the previous offer, you will get the 12th month instalments for that goal for free. You may still start a new goal and purchase BNS tokens to avail a discount for the new goal.
Can I sell the BNS Token on Listing?
Yes, you can sell the BNS token, but you will not be eligible for the 12th month instalment offer, if you sell it before the 1 year holding period.